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25 days in, Record-breaking number of U-Reporters in the Western Balkans!

U-Report Western Balkans has been launched for just 25 days and we are proud to share that we now have over 16,000 U-Reporters for Western Balkans! Our focus group (ages 15-24) currently comprises 39% of our total U-Reporters, while 34% of all our U-Reporters are women and we are confident that we will be able to obtain gender balance in the near future. Very soon, U-Report Western Balkans will be available on Facebook and Whatsapp as well, becoming even more accessible and user friendly to all people in the Western Balkans!

The Western Balkans U-Report is the first of its kind as a sub-regional U-Report and it includes the UNICEF Country Offices of Albania, Kosovo* and Montenegro. National polls will be administered only to U-Reporters in that nation, while sub-regional polls will be administered to all U-Reporters in the Western Balkans!

Our best practices at Western Balkans are being documented for sharing with countries across the world implementing U-Report to support the replication of our efficient results.

By nature, the purpose of programmatic interventions is to address various issues and uncovered challenges. Constant programmatic interventions are always based on evidence, research and reports generated by central institutions, international and local agencies and NGOs. However, time of production of data, research and outreach costs always play a significant inhibiting role in the inclusivity of various studies which directly affect the validity of the information upon which these programmatic interventions are based.

As Western Balkans governments, institutions, donor agencies and NGOs continue to invest substantial funds to design and implement numerous programmatic interventions for improving every area of life in their communities, real-time information and perspective from thousands of U-Reporters can drastically improve the impact and efficiency of each intervention. U-Report can provide access to real-time and all-inclusive information, on any specific theme being polled, informing each programmatic intervention with perspective from tens of thousands of U-Reporters, with overwhelming data on key indicators, thus enabling governments, institutions, NGOs and agencies to address matters that its residents perceive as most pressing, and by making programmatic interventions much more precise and impactful.

For more information on U-Report Western Balkans, please visit westernbalkans.ureport.in !

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.